Bible Study

(With special guest the Archangel Ariel)

Donald Trump: A true American Antichrist?


When it comes to identifying “anti-Christs” in this world then we merely have to think it is anyone who acts opposite to the actions of Jesus. They are not “Christ like”. When we think about wealth in terms of Jesus’ teachings we would know that there is no greater wealth than wisdom. 

Scott Morrison: Autopsy of an Australian Antichrist


There are many that see “666” as some kind of evil power, but in my experience of the Spirit it is, (as the bible says) a mark of certain characteristics that are running opposite to the presumed virtues of Christ. An “anti-christ”. God sees fit to provide us with one such example of an “anti-Christ” in an easy to study environment: that of the Australian parliament. 

Jesus: the Christian cult of the antichrist

All cults are built in a way to protect themselves and maintain their followers – even when what they say contradicts themselves and their own beliefs. This is especially true with Christianity. Jesus himself possibly never wanted anyone to worship him and in all likelyhood his aim was to bring people to “God”.



Thank you Heavenly Daddy. To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.Deuteronomy 32:25 (KJV)...



With the final pieces of this study program completed and the 144000 accounted for I have been asked by the Spirit to raise a toast. With Delta now taking care of Australia and hopefully settling those outstanding accounts, the Kingdom of Heaven prays you will turn...

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

The End (thanks Ella!) Solar Powered Planet. Winter where I am at the moment. I hate the winter. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.Matthew 7:21 Your resignation...

Thank you for attending this virtual coronation

Thank you for attending this virtual coronation

Firstly, thank you to everyone that has been patient not only with me but with the broader Seven Seals project. I wanted this to be an unconventional coronation and also a celebration of those who have and those who are yet to sit on "The Throne". And I began to weep...

Curtains closed – final payment due

Curtains closed – final payment due Thank you for the extra time, I wanted to enjoy the little one's dance recital. It was too cute! Now, as I finalise these works of faith we will be closing the curtains so to speak. Peep show is over and I thank you for participating...

Heavenly Father reconfirms His Covenant with Israel

Heavenly Father reconfirms His Covenant with Israel

With Israel once again under attack, the Heavenly Father, as I have been urged by the Holy Spirit, wanted to discuss the convenant that the Kingdom of Heaven has with "little Israel". It is not for me to understand that while bodies of men, women, and children are...

Sealed for the Safety and Protection of the True Saints

Sealed for the Safety and Protection of the True Saints

While it has been exciting and challenging working on the "Seven Seals" project, it is also good to be able to discuss it and my own personal situation with fewer "parables". I am completing this writing (and moving forward with new works) during a time when the...

A wild and free faith grows the most valuable fruit

A wild and free faith grows the most valuable fruit

When you write so often as I do, mixing the fictional with shreds of truth, you tend to question what is really important. What is valuable? For me that answer is simple: my mental health is most valuable to me, as it affects not only how I perceive the world, but...

Give Australia what they want: War with China

Give Australia what they want: War with China

The protection of the Heavenly Father and the Kingdom of Heaven is a coveted thing. Especially among the nations of Earth. Australia, despite its many shortcomings, has enjoyed a special status with the Heavenly Father for many years now. This, as best as I understand...

Surviving religion with a mental illness

Surviving religion with a mental illness

When a delusion becomes widespread enough it can eventually develop into a religion. A set of man made rules and ordinances, most usually accompanied by specific texts which, in the case of Christianity is the Bible. That means that devout, religious followers...

Helping a blind Church to see again

Helping a blind Church to see again

I have to say that a lot of people take me for a religious person due to my works of faith, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the interest in some things religious stems from my bipolar (as a symptom) and from my own particular 'gifts of the...

Religion is for those who cannot hear the Heavenly Father

Religion is for those who cannot hear the Heavenly Father

Those who cling too tightly to religion sometimes show a lack of faith in just how much the Heavenly Father is capable of. Requiring instruction in order to be righteous or to simply 'do the right thing' is, as the gospel says, something that is coming to an end. A...

Christ said he would reject the Christian churches

Christ said he would reject the Christian churches

Firstly, thank you all for allowing me to share the gospels according to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is an honour to be on Earth sharing truth in this way: Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the...

My wealth is stored with the LORD

My wealth is stored with the LORD

I have lost count of how many times I have been looked down on because of my appearance, especially by believers in the Lord. However, I have been careful to store all of my real wealth with the Heavenly Father, just as we were told to do: But store up for yourselves...

Divine Justice and the ‘Dark Mofo’ Festival

Divine Justice and the ‘Dark Mofo’ Festival

There has been a public outcry over the MONA's (an art gallery in Tasmania) "Dark Mofo" festival calling for the blood of indigenous Australians so they can dip a Union Jack flag in it. I was not surprised by this tone deaf "art" purposely selected and approved by...

Have my prophecies stood the test of time?

Have my prophecies stood the test of time?

I have for some time seen my gift of the prophetic (seeing the future) as something to keep private. It was only with certain revelations prior to covid-19 that I was adamant to include certain details in my creative works. I don't think this was so much for me, but...

The Cult of Jesus or the Freedom of Christ?

The Cult of Jesus or the Freedom of Christ?

There are many phrases attributed to the biblical version of "Jesus" - the one we know from Christmas, Easter and (most famously) nailed up onto a cross. However, there are many little sayings of Jesus that are now completely ignored by the majority of churches and...

The Seven Seals

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