Sealed for the Safety and Protection of the True Saints

Sealed for the Safety and Protection of the True Saints

While it has been exciting and challenging working on the “Seven Seals” project, it is also good to be able to discuss it and my own personal situation with fewer “parables”. I am completing this writing (and moving forward with new works)...
Surviving religion with a mental illness

Surviving religion with a mental illness

When a delusion becomes widespread enough it can eventually develop into a religion. A set of man made rules and ordinances, most usually accompanied by specific texts which, in the case of Christianity is the Bible. That means that devout, religious followers...
Helping a blind Church to see again

Helping a blind Church to see again

I have to say that a lot of people take me for a religious person due to my works of faith, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the interest in some things religious stems from my bipolar (as a symptom) and from my own particular ‘gifts...
Religion is for those who cannot hear the Heavenly Father

Religion is for those who cannot hear the Heavenly Father

Those who cling too tightly to religion sometimes show a lack of faith in just how much the Heavenly Father is capable of. Requiring instruction in order to be righteous or to simply ‘do the right thing’ is, as the gospel says, something that is coming to...
Christ said he would reject the Christian churches

Christ said he would reject the Christian churches

Firstly, thank you all for allowing me to share the gospels according to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is an honour to be on Earth sharing truth in this way: Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the...