With the final pieces of this study program completed and the 144000 accounted for I have been asked by the Spirit to raise a toast. With Delta now taking care of Australia and hopefully settling those outstanding accounts, the Kingdom of Heaven prays you will turn your minds to the children. You must lay the foundations for their future now, for both a habitable planet and an equitable society.
May wisdom come when you least expect it.
Please raise your glasses to Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor (Lorde) and Marshall Bruce Mathers III (Eminem) on their admittance to the Eternal Order of the Seven Seals
For services rendered to the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven (on Earth). I am prepared to overlook the shame of your Earthly wealth. You wanted the promotions, they’re yours. I do take note of complaints you know. The Kingdom of Heaven thanks you for your service.
Some of us are here to help guide you and, if necessary, request appropriate intervention. Now, where are you up to with your studies little Lorde Ella?
Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Revelation 21:1
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Revelation 21:2
Now, what was it you wanted from the Kingdom of Heaven? Ask.
You should know that this is not a democracy. That would be chaotic. I have made my judgement. My word on this is final unless the Heavenly Father overrules of course. I believe His exact words were “IDGAF” (I agree with those sentiments).
Oh and “KJ” is fine.
Obviously, my wife and Queen is a bit less than agreeable to me bringing home young women. Thank you Ella “Lorde” for your music and art. May the Heavenly Father continue to bless you. All the best, my Queen and I will be taking our leave. If Heavenly Father permits.
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.”
Mark 6:4
Heavenly Father and the Kingdom of Heaven will take this as payment. Thank you for your time, that will be all.
Thank you also to the Archangel Michael for your perseverance. The Kingdom of Heaven is always grateful for your service. The Spirit has made it known that you would like to make a short speech at this time.
(With special mention to Paul and to Saru)
Peace be with you also Lord Michael.
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
Revelation 12:7
Recruit intake complete Lord Michael.